Finally the full MV is out. This is from WangLeeHom youtube acc.
So HAWT! <3
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
心跳 - Xin Tiao [HeartBeat] Full MV - Lee HOm
Posted by darynrose at 22:53 0 comments
Labels: Lee Hom
Friday, 12 December 2008
Xin Tiao [Heartbeat] MV - Lee Hom
Lee Hom looked very mature in this MV and of coz HOT!
Posted by naadianaa at 13:48 0 comments
Labels: Lee Hom
Tuesday, 9 December 2008
Another song from Lee Hom new album?
Found this, and the song is being used as promo song for a korean drama promo in Taiwan.
Am not sure if this song will be in the new album or not. But I love how this song sounds.
Here is the lyrics. I dont read chinese. Sorry. Try google language tool. Ahahhaha.... I did. At least I know generally wht he's singing about.
作詞:王力宏 小寒 作曲:王力宏
就算別人都說 我們沒什麼出息
妳就是Everything 就這個原因
想給妳Everything 只要妳說一聲願意
妳就是Everything 就如這個原因
想給妳Everything 只要妳說一聲願意
Lee Hom is <3
Posted by naadianaa at 03:03 0 comments
Labels: Lee Hom
Monday, 8 December 2008
Lee Hom's New Song HeartBeat [Xin.Tiao]
Bleah... It has been so long since I actually posted anything here. My evil twin had taken over my life. (>.<) Hopefully I'll find a way to get rid of tht evil twin, whether permanently or temporarily.
Anyway, just want to let out of bit of my.... kyaaaaaa....... I'm freakin' out I know. Y u ask? Coz Lee Hom's new album is coming out really soon. Official release will be on the Dec 26th. I already pre-order the album. So can't wait to get my hands on it. A teaser was posted over in youtube today, just less than an hour ago. Kyaaaaa.... nosebleed.... Lee Hom semi naked... Ahahahaa.... Neh, he's just shirt'less. Yes, u read it right ppl, in his new MV/PV, I assume he's going to be somewhat semi expose.... Ahahahaha.... Lee Hom giving out a bit of fan service. >.<
Anyway, enjoy this few sec teaser.
Oh, I almost forgot. Stay tuned to THIS web to listen to Lee Hom's new song release on the Dec 8th.
Update. Full promo song.
Intro Translation:
Hello all, this is Wang Lee Hom. This is my first song called Heartbeat from my new album. A person's heart is a very mysterious thing; it can bring bountiful joy and also pain without limitations...
Heartbeat 心跳
Lyrics/Composer: Wang Lee Hom (王力宏)
想跟我吵架 我没那麽无聊
Xiang gen wo chao jia Wo mei na me wu liao
You want to argue with me. Im not that bored.
不懂得道歉 我没那麽聪明
Bu dong de dao qian Wo mei na me cong ming
I apologize without understanding. Im not that bright.
Hao xiang yao hui dao wo men de yuan dian
I desire to go back to where we began.
你又在哭泣 我给不了安慰
Ni you zai ku qi Wo gei bu liao an wei
You are crying again. I fail to give you comfort.
我又在摇头 有那麽点後悔
Wo you zai yao tou You na me dian hou hui
Im shaking my head again (disapproving of my actions), thats that much regret.
Ai qing de fa zhan yi nan hui tou que wu fa wang qian zou
Loves progression makes it already hard to turn back, but Im unable to move on.
但身不由己出现在胸口 两颗心能塞几个问号
Dan shen bu you yi chu xian zai xiong kou Liang ke xin neng sai ji ge wen hao
My body still wont leave because of what is currently in my chest. Two hearts can solve many problems.
Ai rang wo men liu duo shao yan lei
How many tears has love made us shed?
Ni de yan shen chong man mei li dai zou de de xin tiao
Your eyes are brimming with beauty to carry away my heartbeat.
Ni de wen rou ru ci kao jin dai zou wo de xin tiao
In this way, you draw closer to take away my heartbeat.
逆转时光到一开始 能不能给一秒
Ni zhuan shi guang dao yi kai shi Neng bu neng gei yi miao
Time has turned back to the beginning. Can you give me a moment?
Deng zhe na yi tian ni ye xiang qi
Im waiting for whatever day when you will also remember
Na xuan zai ji yi zhong de mei hao
That happiness hovering in your memories.
Translation credit to MistaCool17.
Lee Hom is <3
Posted by naadianaa at 02:25 1 comments
Labels: Lee Hom
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Zhen De, Wo Mei Shi (I'll be fine) by Adrian Fu
Just listen to this lovely song. Great voice, melody and heart touching lyrics.
Song Translation for the curious minds.
Really, I'm Fine - Adrian Fu
On and on the pain goes on
And it wouldn't just wouldn't die
I'm far weaker and more powerless than I thought
I chose to avoid your eyes
Hate myself, hate myself
On and on the pain lives on
It's hurting so much more
Just let the sin of regret swallow me
Will the punishment bring salvation
I'll be fine I'll be fine
So many cried listening to God
Let being strong not only a show
So many lies listening to you
When morning comes, I will be fine
On and on the pain goes on
and I just don't know how to cope
Will hugging myself fill the emptiness
The last faith, don't give up
I will be fine
So many cried listening to you
I hope you can give me the strength again
So many lies listening to you
When I will be fine
When I no longer look forward to anything
Only you are left, only you are left
If one day, I leave behind everything to see you
Please smile without saying anything
So many cried listening to you
I hope you can give me the strength again
So many lies listening to you
When I will be fine
Posted by naadianaa at 00:43 2 comments
Labels: Random
Tuesday, 30 September 2008
AJ McLean's 'Sincerely Yours'
Let's talk about those boy bands tht we used to love and adore. Well at least for me and probably still am. Errr... only some of them, okay. I don't go ga-ga over every boy band tht popped out the music market. :-P
BSB is among the 1st few boy bands tht I actually kinda obsessed about. Hey... tht was like 10 years ago. I was a teenager at tht time, so it's 'common practice' to have a boy band to worship. :-P Anyhoo, AJ is my fav among those five members of BSB. Reason? He's the bad boy in the group. Tehee~. Neh... the main reason is, AJ have a really really great voice. Husky yet so sweet. I do agree tht Brian do have a great vocal too but I prefer AJ. Well after few years of MIA from the industry due to alcohol and drug abuse, and not to mention not so successfull albums, I can consider tht AJ's back with his new solo album tht's said gonna come out end of 2008.
Few of his upcoming songs can be found all over in youtube and my fav so far right now is 'Sincerely Yours'. The song is about AJ's feeling about his father walking out from his life. It's really a beautiful song though it's bitter sweet. Feel like crying from tht song. Such a lovely melody and with such a heartwrenching lyrics. AJ's voice makes it more emotional.
Here is one of the clip for 'Sincerely Yours'. It's the best audio quality tht I could find though. I can't wait for his new album to come out. Definitely will get my hands on tht.
Here is the lyrics to tht song.
I burn the pages in my head
But the memories are so clear
A thousand words left unsaid
And you never shed a tear
You say that you wanna be close to me
So how does it feel?
Now the tables have turned
You can learn how to live without me
Live without me
Pictures up on the wall
Suddenly now you’re all about me
All about me
Where were you when I needed you?
The only thing that I learned from you
Was how to walk out the door
Sincerely yours
Now I’m a man
I’m on my own
I am not ashamed
You broke my heart
You stole my pride
All you left me was my name
I know you wanna be in my shoes
So how does it feel?
Now the tables have turned
You can learn how to live without me
Live without me
Pictures up on the wall
Suddenly now you’re all about me
All about me
Where were you when I needed you?
The only thing that I learned from you
Was how to walk out the door
Sincerely yours
I just wanna forgive and forget all about you
Why can’t I just move on?
From this place in between loving and hating you
Don’t know where to belong
I burn the pages in my head
But the memories are so clear
Now the tables have turned
You can learn how to live without me
Live without me
Pictures up on the wall
Suddenly now you’re all about me
All about me
Where were you when I needed you?
The only thing that I learned from you
Was how to walk out the door
(^_^) v
Posted by naadianaa at 13:45 0 comments
Labels: Random
Thursday, 11 September 2008
What's wrong with me?
What's wrong with me is title for Lee Hom's new song.
And no. Nothing is wrong with you, Lee Hom. Coz what ever song that you produce just ROCK!
People! Lee Hom new song is out. It's sort of chinked out remix. Muahaha... Sounds weird at first but seriously it catchy in a twisted way. Hahahaha....
So he has finally unleash the Rocker in him. Here is the MV.
Let's rock people!!! Yuhooo!
(^_^) v
Posted by naadianaa at 22:53 0 comments
Labels: Lee Hom
Tuesday, 2 September 2008
Upcoming Kdramas
Finally after few kdrama let downs. I'm excited again by some upcoming new kdramas.
Caught a glimpse of new kdrama on youtube title Beethoven Virus. Seems like a Nodame Cantabile type of drama minus tht anime acting.
Another drama is a new drama by Jang Hyuk. I'm always excited by any drama by Jang Hyuk. Though "Robbers" was a major let down. I'm still going to keep my mind open for his new drama titled Tazza. Dang, tht guy is so HOT! >.<
Another new for Goong main leads, they may be teaming up again for a new drama. Yoon Eun Hye taking the role as a restless girl who wants a gay (male) friend coz to her it's cool to have those kind of friend. Meanwhile Joo Ji Hyun will be playing the gay role. Oh, don't worry, the character is not really gay, he'll be acting as a gay coz he needed a place to live. Hence YEH comes into view becoz of her interest of having a gay friend. This drama sounds really cliche huh? Well, I dont really care coz I'm really deprive of any interesting kdrama for the past few months. This one hopefully will make up to it. ^^;
Posted by naadianaa at 15:34 0 comments
Labels: KDrama
Thursday, 28 August 2008
Lee Hom Funny Moment
I found this clip over in youtube. Seeing Lee Hom tht way just made me go....
This is definitely a really rare clip from LEe Hom. XD
Posted by darynrose at 20:47 0 comments
Labels: Lee Hom
Friday, 8 August 2008
Zettai Kareshi
Jdrama review...
At last after few months of no reviews, I finally can find the time to actually finish a complete set of drama AND find the time to write my own personal review on it.
Zettai Kareshi did create quite a buzz when it was announced. Mainly becoz of the hugely popular original manga and the three main leads that was cast. Hayami Mokomichi as Night Tenjo and Mizushima Hiro as Asamoto Soshi, those 2 hot guys are simply irresistible. Seriously with tht kind of good looking cast, for sure the TV station is able to catch the viewers attention. As for the main lady lead, Aibu Saki as Izawa Riiko, I was expecting a prettier lead as to match up the two other HOT male leads but I guess her appearance is supposed to be a simple cute looking lady.

Now moving on to the main event, the review. Spoiler ahead. Dont read if you dont want to ruin the excitement.
What I can honestly say is that I don't exactly over ga-ga over this show. Why? Coz I find the show to be a bit boring and a lil' annoying after the first few episodes. Mainly becoz I grew tired of Night's childish antics. Honestly, having a hot looking boyfriend (though only an artificial intelligence) but with a childish and clingy attitude kinda turn me off. I would feel a bit suffocated with that. (>.<) Anyway, going back to the show. I felt that all three main character didn't have the necessary chemistry. I don't really feel any 'love' from Soshi nor the chemistry between Soshi and Riiko. So, that's kinda disappointing. >_>
As for Riiko and Tenjo. Hmm... Hayami did a decent job playing a robot. An annoying one tht is. First few episodes are totally boring, I was practically dragging myself to finish this drama, mainly becoz I want to get rid of it from my harddrive. :P. But things got interesting for me in the final 3 episodes, when Night started to have his own will, only then tht I felt a bit of love connection between Night and Riiko. Things tht Night done in the few last episodes does touch the heart a bit and it kinda make my heart ache a bit, knowing tht he's gonna... err... lets say... die. The final message from Night kinda a heartbreaking one coz we do really know how much he loved Riiko.

And in the end, Riiko did follow Soshi to Paris though there's no actual love connection in their relationship yet. Maybe a bit of liking to each other but definitely not love. So, it can be safely said tht, though Riiko is with Soshi, a human and not an A.I, her heart truly belongs to Night. In a way, it's a win win situation for Riiko, she got both... (>.<) Night's heart and Soshi. I'm jealous. >_>
Well, I dont want to dwell much on it since I find this drama kinda average despite the hugely popular original manga. I personally prefers the manga though.
Hope other people would enjoy this more than me. :P
Ooppss, I almost forgot, I really love the drama's theme song.
(^_^) v
Posted by naadianaa at 22:28 0 comments
Labels: JDrama
Wednesday, 30 July 2008
Lee Hom is MUSIC-MAN
Is it Superman?
Is it Batman?
Or is it Spiderman.?
You're all wrong. Here comes MUSIC-MAN.
Huh?! Music-who?
Well I guess with the latest craze of SUPER HEROES, Lee Hom too had got caught up with the current trends. The sudden influx of super heroes movies out there, Lee Hom come out with his new gig, a Taipei concert on the 19th and 20th Sept with the theme of super heroes. Yes, people. Here come MUSIC-MAN to the rescue to help fight piracy and people who make BAD MUSIC.
Bad music, eh? I wonder who those people might be? Herm.... (O_o)
But anyway, it does look a bit cheesy for me to see Lee Hom taking this new persona but heck, I don't care! Coz he'll be coming out with a new album in September, which some of the new songs might be feature in his September concert.
YAY!!! \(^o^)/
Too bad I don't live in Taiwan. Arghh... Lucky people. >.>
I'm so looking forward to September now.
Hmm... need to save money in case MUSIC-MAN does come to town. :-P
(^_^) v
Posted by naadianaa at 19:58 0 comments
Labels: Lee Hom
Wednesday, 25 June 2008
Yutaka Takenouchi's Upcoming Drama ~ Tomorrow

Hope it's gonna be a great drama. Enjoy!
(^_^) v
Posted by naadianaa at 21:22 0 comments
Labels: JDrama
Saturday, 31 May 2008
Veoh Blocked on Several Countries.
Seems tht Veoh had put out a really harsh decision on massive numbers of countries by blocking their service. The reason? Well it is reported that the blocked countries have low concentration of user and they now will only concentrate on countries with high user concentration. Below are the unlucky countries.
1 Brazil
2 Jamaica
3 Chile
4 Puerto Rico
5 Indonesia
6 Guadeloupe
7 Malaysia
8 Venezuela
9 Guatemala
10 Luxembourg
11 Costa Rica
12 El Salvador
13 Panama
14 Dominican Republic
15 Saudi Arabia
16 Argentina
17 Cayman Islands
18 Slovenia
19 Hungary
20 Guam
21 Colombia
22 Chile
23 Romania
24 Cyprus
25 UAE
26 Latvia
27 Antigua & Barbuda
28 Malta
29 Trinidad & Tobago
30 Lithuania
31 Peru
32 Turkey
33 Czech Republic
34 Croatia
35 Bulgaria
36 Tanzania
37 Serbia
38 Egypt
39 Serbia
40 Mauritius
41 Morocco
42 Iran
43 Iceland
44 Jordan
What makes it more painful to the unlucky users is the fact tht there was no warning what so ever on their action. It's just like yesterday you can access your Veoh acc and the next day *puff*, you're blocked... Users probably felt like they were *shoo*ed by the Veoh admins and being left out in the dark without any proper preparation.
I personally don't really feel the pain coz I'm not really tht crazy over Veoh anyway... there are always other sites tht you can go to... Well at least for me at the moment. Anyhoo... I think, somehow I manage to find a way of probably getting your way around this blocking. You can try this HERE but it only work for a good amount of 3Gb. Yes, there is a limit to it. But if you're desperate enough, I'm sure you'll want to try anything.
Fyi, I don't test this app, so don't ask me for answer if you stumble upon a wall after u try this. I just posted this for the reason of trying to give ppl some solution to their problem. Whether it works or not, tht depends on your luck. Try googling for answer or solutions, sometimes you'll be surprised with wht u can find on the net.
GOOD LUCK! (^.^) v
P/S : If in case this works for you, leave a comment so tht ppl would know tht this might actually work... Thnx....
Posted by naadianaa at 23:34 0 comments
Labels: Random
Sunday, 18 May 2008
Last Friends

Red ribbon signify the line of fate that connects a person to his or her destined partner.
Posted by naadianaa at 00:40 1 comments
Saturday, 17 May 2008
Zettai Kareshi Theme Song : Okaeri by Ayaka
Currently watching Zettai Kareshi, review probably will be added later when I've finished watching the whole series. Just wanna note that I love the theme song for this drama. Ayaka definitely have the vocal and right expression for this song. Really love it! Well here the PV to the song...
Posted by naadianaa at 22:33 1 comments
Happy Birthday, Lee Hom!!!
Just a quickie post here.
Posted by naadianaa at 22:02 0 comments
Labels: Lee Hom
Tuesday, 13 May 2008
Takuya Kimura's Spring '08 Drama : Change CM
(>.<) ..... I know this is so lame... this news is so outdated but I don't care. It seems that I don't have enough hours in my life lately. (>.<) ....
Takuya Kimura's Spring '08 drama title Change is very much anticipated by a lot of ppl and the first episode is already shown on the 12th of May. Well, here is the CM for Change, in case ppl are interested. Please pay close attention to his hair..... *LMAO* ... it's SOOOO..... (@.@) ..... *ROFL*
Oh btw, from the info that I got, the theme song is sang by Madonna.
Posted by naadianaa at 23:10 0 comments
Labels: JDrama
Saturday, 10 May 2008
Ohno & Toma upcoming drama : Maou
Ohno Satoshi of Arashi fame and Ikuta Toma will be coming up with a new suspense drama in Julai 2008. I don't have much info yet on this but the drama is a remake of a popular Korean drama title 'The Devil' which was aired last year. Come to think of it. I actually skipped 'The Devil' coz I find it boring. I hope that it wouldn't be the same as with this one since Ikuta Toma is in it. Lately I've become fond of his acting and have been looking forward for his future drama. Maybe my wish has finally come true, that is to see Toma in a serious role. This is the synopsis that I got from DA.
'This drama is a remake of the popular suspense drama The Devil that was aired in Korea last year. Ohno Satoshi will be playing the role of a two-faced lawyer, one of which is a kind hearted soul and the other who is plotting revenge, using his brilliant mind, on the person who killed his relative. On the other hand, Ikuta Toma will play the double lead role of the man, who has become a detective due to his dark past, who is pursuing the mysterious series of murders and fighting against The Devil (Maou).'
Below is short video clip about the upcoming show.
Well, I'll put this temporarily in my watch list since Toma is in it. I'll add more info when I have it.
Credits : Egg-Chan at DA
Posted by naadianaa at 00:55 0 comments
Labels: JDrama
Sunday, 27 April 2008
Poco-Poco Dance!!!
Wahahahaaha!!! That's the first impression that came out from me when I learn about this Poco-Poco dance being danced by some Swedish university students.... Don't get me wrong. I don't mean laughing about the dance itself but it's more of like 'WTH? This is unbelievable.' Here I thought this dance is only known in my part of the world and who would have thought it already spread to Europe. I'm not really sure of its origin but I'm guessing it's from Indonesia.
I was first introduced to this dance by a colleague. Heck! I was bored at that moment so I just tagged along. So... to spare the details, I did manage to pick up few of the dance steps. Miahahahaha..... It's really a fun dance coz the steps are relatively easy to follow and you can add up a bit of your own style to it then really go crazy with it. As you can see with the Swedish students.... LOL....
Seriously, I recommend this dance to the really shy person who think he/she cannot dance.... You cannot go wrong with this dance and it's really fun and not to mention a good lil' aerobic exercise, which you can dance quietly at home [only if you're too shy to dance in a group] but hey... wht's Poco Poco without your Poco Poco buddies....
(>.<) v
Posted by naadianaa at 00:20 0 comments
Labels: Random
Monday, 7 April 2008
Lee Hom's *maybe* Olympics Song! Yay!!! One World, One Dream
I was kinda deprived of LeeHom lately and finding a video from one of his few Olympics songs that he had summited to the Olympics committee, really make my day. There were mixed reviews about this song. Some saying that it sounded too cheezy for LeeHom. But IMO, I feel that the song really suits the Olympics mood. Sounds really inspiring and moreover it's bilingual. Mandarin and English. Which probably will makes more sense to non-Mandarin speaking listeners. I love the chorus and especially the electric guitar sound in the background.
Heck!!! I don't care what people say. It's LeeHom. I love everything about him. Nuff said!!!
Here's the video clip.
You can download it HERE!
(^-^) v
Posted by naadianaa at 19:07 0 comments
Labels: Lee Hom
Sunday, 30 March 2008
Zettai Kareshi
Upcoming spring season drama 2008. Zettai Kareshi. An adaptation from a popular manga. Obviously it provides plenty of eye candy. Heck who needs more eye candy when you have the present of Hayami Mokomichi as Night Tenjo and Mizushima Hiro as Soshi Asamoto. This drama spell sizzling H.O.T... It starts April 8th. I'm sure a lot of people have this in their watch list already. Well here is the main cast.

(Somehow this room is gettin' kinda warm.... hihihihi....)
You can take a peek at the CM for this drama over here.
Enjoy ppl!!!
(^_^) v
Posted by naadianaa at 21:19 0 comments
Labels: JDrama
Hana Yori Dango Final - The Movie
Yay... the final to the drama gonna be released in Jun. Finally I can get back the Oguri Shun that I love. Watching Oguri Shun in Binbo Danshi gives me heartache. Why u ask? I just can't stand to watch his hairstyle. It's just waayyyy too frizzy. But probably it was needed that way to suit his character. LOL!!! Can't wait.... Btw, here's the trailer to the movie.
Too bad the trailer's too short and didn't reveal much of anything. Waiting patiently here....
Posted by naadianaa at 21:03 0 comments
Honey & Clover OST : Canvas by Ken Hirai
Okay people... a quick post here. Found this on Youtube. Since I love Honey & Clover so much, here is the OST. It's truly a moving song and I just love the way Ken Hirai sings this song. With passion. Enjoy!!!
Damn he's hot and the dimples.....Kyaaaa!!! (>.<)..... Too bad he's gay but heck I love his voice....
(^_^) v
Posted by naadianaa at 20:35 0 comments
Wednesday, 26 March 2008
Japanese Drama - Winter 2008
Hey ya ppl! Haven't been posting anything lately coz life was being bleh on me. Well now, I been watching few Japanese dramas since Korean drama industry seem to be in the cloudy side. These are some of the drama that I've been following :
- Bara no nai Hanaya
- Honey and Clover
- Binbo Danshi
- Koshonin
- 1 Pound Gospel
- Nodame Cantabile SP
Posted by naadianaa at 19:50 0 comments
Labels: JDrama
Sunday, 2 March 2008
Timing with Aegisub ~ Darynrose's Lil' Tutorial
Timing tutorial moved to HERE.
Posted by darynrose at 15:23 15 comments
Labels: Fansub
Saturday, 16 February 2008
Nodame Cantabile SP
Hey there! It has been quite for some time I didn't put up anything over here. Been rather busy lately. So I'm here to write about Nodame Cantabile SP. I'm not sure whether I had done a review on the drama in this blog. Well that doesn't matter anyway. I'll just add in stuff from the drama over here.
Warning! Spoiler ahead for those who haven't watch it.
Just finished watching Nodame Cantabile SP1 and SP2. Both 2 hours show were great but I like SP 2 the best. Probably becoz it showed more emotional side of Nodame and Chiaki finally confronted his true feelings towards Nodame. Seeing Chiaki being jealous made me go 'That's right, Chiaki. You should have made your move earlier'. Hahaha.... it was precious to see Chiaki being jealous of Kuriko-Kun.
I believe the highlight of this SP is the part when Chiaki kissed Nodame beside the castle lake. The build up for this scene was really intense. I was bracing myself for it. Sitting up straight as I started to anticipate the long awaited kiss between Nodame and Chiaki.
And as soon as the moment arrived.... it was like.... (>_<) ..... Huh?! That's it? I went WTH? You call that a kiss? It was flat as a pancake. There was no passion or any hint of love behind the kiss. Just two lips sticking to each other. Argghhh.... It really puts out my plan of lighting up some fireworks when in case both of them kissed. Damn. Even though Japanese dramas can be different and unique from the rest of the world. They really should learn how to kiss.... Man, it's the only thing that ruined the show. Other than that everything is very enjoyable as you can expect from Nodame Cantabile. The other casts are also very entertaining. I was kinda shocked to see that Eiji Wentz's acting skill had improve tremendously since the last I saw him in Gokusen. He shows that he had grown and can handle comedy. I hope that I can see him acting in more mature and serious roles. And not forgetting being so cute in it. (>_<) Another cast that caught my eyes is Becky. It's the first time that I watched her acting. Not bad might I say and she a beauty also. Looking forward to her future shows.
Now.... That's it. I don't have anymore idea juice to squeeze. Until next time. Well until next drama that is. See ya then.....
Posted by naadianaa at 22:51 0 comments
Labels: JDrama
Sunday, 3 February 2008
The Brain Test....
I got this so call Brain Test from a friend's blog. After I went through all the question, I found out that I'm Left-brained. So what does this means. Well you can read it yourself. The brief description of it, is as below.
Most left-brained people like you feel at ease in situations requiring verbal ability, attention to detail, and linear, analytical ability. Whether you know it or not, you are a much stronger written communicator than many, able to get your ideas across better than others.
It's also likely that you are methodical and efficient at many things that you do. You could also be good at math, particularly algebra, which is based on very strict rules that make sense to your logical mind.
Reading from the result was quite surprising because it reported that I could be good at math but I'm pretty sure that I suck at it. That's why I took Biochemistry as my major. I just simply suck at math. Come to think of it, they did say 'could be'. Maybe I'm not in that 'could be' category. Hahaha....
Btw, if you are interest in finding out whether you are a right-brained, left-brained or a balanced-brained you could go to Brain Test for the simple test.
Happy Brain Testing....
Posted by naadianaa at 01:00 0 comments
Labels: Random
Friday, 25 January 2008
Honey & Clover
Just finish watching Honey & Clover 2nd episode. Preliminary impression? So far so good. Emotions started to move in the 2nd episode. You can notice how the actors and actresses slowly evolving in their characters.

Posted by naadianaa at 19:24 0 comments
Labels: JDrama
Sunday, 20 January 2008
LeeHom New 2008 Album?
It was reported that LeeHom will come out with a new album coming this May or June. Whether it's confirm or not, that I don't know. But.... it's still great news for his fans, if he does release the album.
However.... I'm a bit concern about it since the guy had been working his arse off for his movie, Lust Caution and also his Gai Bian Zi Ji album. To me, it was really a hectic year for him and only recently that he got a 2 weeks holiday for Chinese New Year.
Calculating from his supposed new album release, I believe that he might use his 2 weeks off holidaying with his family and at the same time producing the album or at least have something to do with it. I just wish that he would just drop all his work in that 2 weeks and really spend his time enjoying life and close companies. Seriously, don't want the guy to fall sick or anything.
Lol, it not like he's gonna read this blog anyway. But then again who knows.... (^o^)
News credits to HOM Sweet Home (HSH) and udnstars.
Posted by naadianaa at 00:16 0 comments
Labels: Lee Hom
Saturday, 12 January 2008
My W910i
Now I am a believer in the power and influence of an idol spokesperson. Why? I think LeeHom had successfully subconsciously influenced myself to get a Sony Ericsson handphone.
Fyi, NO.... I didn't get the phone for the main reason of LeeHom is the spokesperson for it. There are other reasons to it, well at least there's two. First of all, my Nokia N70 had been giving me headache for the past few months. It drives me crazy every time I had to send it for repairs. Honestly I don't know what went wrong with my N70. The past Nokia predecessors that I had had all 'retired with honors and dignity'. Nokia had been a trusted name in my family. Hehehehe.... My mom kept bugging me to replace it with other N series. But I kept my mind open for other phone brands....
Which of course leads to my second reason of choosing my new W910i. Initially I had N95 in my mind but then again I don't need a phone with a 5 megapixel camera. That's what my Sony T50 is for. After N95 came Motorola in mind but I think I had enough of huge lump in my jeans. Though Motorola are really slim they are a bit horizontally large for my not-so-long fingers to grasp. Btw, I'm kinda bored of Nokia already and also being a music lover I really need a phone with good sound quality. So Sony Ericsson comes to mind. But I don't like most of the Sony Ericsson phone designs, they all look so boring. Too 'square'ish, box-like maybe.... So after some internet browsing and window shopping, I heart got attached to W910i. It fits just nicely in my hand, looks great not too 'square'ish, have good sounds and graphics and most importantly it goes well with my budget. Well at least... after I traded in my N70.
So I guess in the end, I think LeeHom's 'Incomplete Melody' MV did played some subconscious role in my mind. Maybe watching the MV which had the red W910i in it made my brain to lean towards it. Hahahaha.... D*mn, I had fallen victim to the power of idols advert.
Posted by naadianaa at 23:40 0 comments
Labels: Random
Saturday, 5 January 2008
The 1st Shop of Coffee Prince a.k.a Coffee Prince
As of now I'd just finished watching Coffee Prince. I know... I know.... Some of you might think why did it took me so long to watch it since the drama was thought to be one of the best Kdrama in 2007. FYI, I had it with me for quite sometime now. It had been nicely tugged in my CD storage collecting might I say some dust already.
First of all for those who haven't watch it, let me just give you some insight on this drama. It started of as a story about Go Eun Chan played by none other, rising star actress Yoon Eun Hye. Btw, she was the leading role in Goong and Vineyard Man. Eun Chan is a tomboy who had to give up her feminine image due to her being the breadwinner of her family. Eun Chan stumble upon Choi Han Kyul played by Gong Yoo and was mistakenly took Eun Chan as a man by Han Kyul. Han Kyul who is an heir to a company was kept pressured by his grandmother to settle down by being forced in going to arranged blind dates. Out of Han Kyul's desperation to avoid those arranged blind dates and Eun Chan's pressing monetary problems, Eun Chan was hired by Han Kyul to be his gay lover. Later, Eun Chan managed to beg for work in Han Kyul's coffee shop. Eventually feelings between Eun Chan and Han Kyul start to spark making Han Kyul question about his own 'sexual orientation'.
Yoon Eun Hye did played her role brilliantly and so does Gong Yoo. They both do have on screen chemistry. Right from the 1st episode I'm pretty confident that YEH is going to be brilliant in that role because starting from Goong to Vineyard Man and to Coffee Prince, she practically had the same characters of which she managed to pull off easily. It's always the 'happy go lucky - not a care in the world' characters.
As for YEH co-star, Gong Yoo which I have little knowledge of.... I was quite skeptical at first. He didn't seem to be a really... really drop dead gorgeous guy to be playing opposite YEH. I wasn't really convinced whether he could pull off Han Kyul character. Although I think there are a lot more drop dead gorgeous actors out there, Gong Yoo managed to intrigued me with his drop dead gorgeous charms. Which is more important that drop dead gorgeous faces, I might say. His charms made me view him with a different light or angle. His charms outshine his looks. I am soo.... looking forward for his next drama.
Now lets get straight to the point. Was it as great as people been talking about? Herm.... my personal opinion, Coffee Prince was good but it wasn't great. You might be thinking why does she says that when I've been praising the leading roles. Well.... I do admit that Coffee Prince do have great leading and supporting actors and actresses, brilliant insert music and a good basic story plot. What make me say it was just a good drama but not a great one? To tell you there truth I was slightly disappointed which the developing plot. What? WTH is she talking about? Am I confusing you? Let me straight it out for you. I said it had a GOOD BASIC STORY PLOT but they didn't really have a strong developing plot. Everything was great up until the 12th or 13th episode but afterward it seems to be going down hill from there. It seems that the drama suddenly lost its momentum. In the end, I was like.... huh?! Is that it?
So.... Coffee Prince turn out to be a rather good but not great tasting coffee despite it was brewed from the best coffee beans. If only the barista had brewed it better, Coffee Prince would have been a very pleasurable drink so that I would have the taste implanted in my taste bud for a very long time.... (>.<)
Posted by naadianaa at 00:26 0 comments
Labels: KDrama