Jdrama review...
At last after few months of no reviews, I finally can find the time to actually finish a complete set of drama AND find the time to write my own personal review on it.
Zettai Kareshi did create quite a buzz when it was announced. Mainly becoz of the hugely popular original manga and the three main leads that was cast. Hayami Mokomichi as Night Tenjo and Mizushima Hiro as Asamoto Soshi, those 2 hot guys are simply irresistible. Seriously with tht kind of good looking cast, for sure the TV station is able to catch the viewers attention. As for the main lady lead, Aibu Saki as Izawa Riiko, I was expecting a prettier lead as to match up the two other HOT male leads but I guess her appearance is supposed to be a simple cute looking lady.

Now moving on to the main event, the review. Spoiler ahead. Dont read if you dont want to ruin the excitement.
What I can honestly say is that I don't exactly over ga-ga over this show. Why? Coz I find the show to be a bit boring and a lil' annoying after the first few episodes. Mainly becoz I grew tired of Night's childish antics. Honestly, having a hot looking boyfriend (though only an artificial intelligence) but with a childish and clingy attitude kinda turn me off. I would feel a bit suffocated with that. (>.<) Anyway, going back to the show. I felt that all three main character didn't have the necessary chemistry. I don't really feel any 'love' from Soshi nor the chemistry between Soshi and Riiko. So, that's kinda disappointing. >_>
As for Riiko and Tenjo. Hmm... Hayami did a decent job playing a robot. An annoying one tht is. First few episodes are totally boring, I was practically dragging myself to finish this drama, mainly becoz I want to get rid of it from my harddrive. :P. But things got interesting for me in the final 3 episodes, when Night started to have his own will, only then tht I felt a bit of love connection between Night and Riiko. Things tht Night done in the few last episodes does touch the heart a bit and it kinda make my heart ache a bit, knowing tht he's gonna... err... lets say... die. The final message from Night kinda a heartbreaking one coz we do really know how much he loved Riiko.

And in the end, Riiko did follow Soshi to Paris though there's no actual love connection in their relationship yet. Maybe a bit of liking to each other but definitely not love. So, it can be safely said tht, though Riiko is with Soshi, a human and not an A.I, her heart truly belongs to Night. In a way, it's a win win situation for Riiko, she got both... (>.<) Night's heart and Soshi. I'm jealous. >_>
Well, I dont want to dwell much on it since I find this drama kinda average despite the hugely popular original manga. I personally prefers the manga though.
Hope other people would enjoy this more than me. :P
Ooppss, I almost forgot, I really love the drama's theme song.
(^_^) v
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