Monday 7 April 2008

Lee Hom's *maybe* Olympics Song! Yay!!! One World, One Dream

I was kinda deprived of LeeHom lately and finding a video from one of his few Olympics songs that he had summited to the Olympics committee, really make my day. There were mixed reviews about this song. Some saying that it sounded too cheezy for LeeHom. But IMO, I feel that the song really suits the Olympics mood. Sounds really inspiring and moreover it's bilingual. Mandarin and English. Which probably will makes more sense to non-Mandarin speaking listeners. I love the chorus and especially the electric guitar sound in the background.

Heck!!! I don't care what people say. It's LeeHom. I love everything about him. Nuff said!!!

Here's the video clip.

You can download it HERE!

(^-^) v


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