Monday, 5 November 2007

Word of the day : Disappointment

Haven't been blogging for quite some time now. Been busy catching up with few dramas lately and also deflating my overly bloated external and laptop HDD. Gonna add up the reviews later.

Today isn't a good day for me it seems. Some 'lousy' people had ruined it. Disappointment is the main word. Just can't believe such supposedly professional people be so 'unprofessional'. More over, they said such stupid remarks. If they hated their work so much then they should just quit. No need to go around, putting bad influences to other people and making a fool out of them self. The meaning of being a leader is to lead and inspired people and not the opposite. When the 'lead' position was given to you, it means more responsibility and not just the increased paycheck that you receive every month. If you can't handle the pressure or the responsibility that comes with it then you should just give it up to other people who are more trustworthy.

Moral of the story? With great power, comes great responsibility. Eh? Herm? Now, where did I heard that before. Hehe.... (^_^) v


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