Wednesday, 14 November 2007

Lee Hom Malaysia KL Live Promo Tour 2007....

Found some LeeHom's promo tour clips in KL. Just can't believe I was actually in Berjaya Times Square at that time (for those who dunno, the promo venue was in the opposite building of Berjaya Times Square) but I can't go coz had to babysit two 10 years old kids. Argghhhhhh!!!. Nevermind at least got good clips from Youtube.

LeeHom's Promo Tour 2007 - Gai Bian Zhi Ji

LeeHom's Promo Tour 2007 - Lui Ye Gui Gen

LeeHom's Promo Tour 2007 - Wo Men De Ge

Credits to jasontsc for the clips....


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