Upcoming 2008 KDrama....
Coming 2nd Jan 2008, Jang Hyuk and Lee Da Hae new drama title 'Robbers' going to be aired on SBS. Found a clip for the drama's preview. This is the remix clip that's presented by AmberFanArt. Credit to them. From the preview, it look like a very promising drama and I'm really looking forward to this drama.
Btw, I got a really shocking news from Jang Hyuk. Well at least for me. Apparently he has been in a relationship with a woman 2 years senior from him since 2002. And they are getting married in June after she had recuperated from giving birth to Jang Hyuk's child. They are expecting their child in February. Boy.... Jang Hyuk sure knows how to put a tight lid on his love life. Neway, congrats for ur wedding and the baby, Jang Hyuk....
There goes another hottie being pull off the eligible list, ladies.....
Sunday, 30 December 2007
Posted by naadianaa at 01:41 0 comments
Labels: KDrama
Wednesday, 26 December 2007
Lee Hom's Stand Up Comedy?!
I guess you could call this as Lee Hom's attempt in stand up comedy.... Hahahahaha. This was taken from his 23 Dec 2007 San Francisco concert. He accidentally slipped the word hell but quickly changed it to heck. (^o^)...
Btw Lee Hom, bad joke or not. People still enjoyed it.
Merry Christmas to you, Lee Hom. And also my gal buddies..... Irene, Esther and Ju Nee (just put your name also laa....)
Happy New Year!!!!
(^_^) v
Posted by naadianaa at 21:38 0 comments
Labels: Lee Hom
Tuesday, 25 December 2007
Jessie - Lee Hom
His voice and playing the piano......*drool... drool... drool*
This is the song lyrics.
From a phone booth in Vegas, Jessie calls at 5 A.M.
to tell me how she's tired of all of them.
She says, "Baby, I've been thinking 'bout a trailer by the sea.
We could go to Mexico... you, the cat and me.
We'll drink tequila and look for sea shells.
Now, doesn't that sound sweet?"
Oh, Jessie, you always do this every time I get back on my feet.
Jessie paint your pictures 'bout how it's gonna be.
By now I should know better, your dreams are never free.
But tell me all about our little trailer by the sea;
Jessie you can always sell any dream to me.
Oh, Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
She asks me how the cat's been. I say, "Moses he's just fine
but he used to think about you all the time.
We finally took your pictures down off the wall.
Oh, Jessie, how do you always seem to know just when to call?"
She says, "Get your stuff together. Bring Moses and drive real fast."
And I listen to her promise, "I swear to God this time it's gonna last."
Jessie paint your pictures 'bout how it's gonna be.
By now I should know better, your dreams are never free.
But tell me all about our little trailer by the sea;
Jessie you can always sell any dream to me.
I'll love you in the sunshine, lay you down in the warm white sand.
And who knows, maybe this time things'll turn out just the way you planned.
Jessie paint your pictures 'bout how it's gonna be.
By now I should know better, your dreams are never free.
But tell me all about our little trailer by the sea;
Jessie you can always sell any dream to me.
Oh, Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.

Posted by naadianaa at 01:35 0 comments
Labels: Lee Hom
Sunday, 23 December 2007
Asian Idol 2007 ~ Hady Mirza?! (O_o)?!
Despite it's been a week after the official result of Asian Idol announced, I still felt really shocked from it. Although it's hard to swallow the fact that Hady Mirza won the 1st Asian Idol, I still believe that the true winner is Jaclyn Victor. The final result was argued over the net and still is up until now. I was told that Hady had 28% of the votes meanwhile Jac took away 27%. It was a really really close result. How did Hady Mirza won? Some had posted 10 reasons why Hady won the competition. Well, conclusion from all the 10 reasons, simply put is.... Hady's cute. Don't get me wrong. It's not that Hady's not talented but I believe that the others can sing far better than him.
IMO, being no 1 doesn't always mean that you'll be successful in the future. This had been proven by the success of few American Idol's 'losers'. Which at some point, are more successful than from the season's winner themself. I would like to name Elliot Yamin as an example. Maybe Lady Luck have something to do with it. (^_^)
Herm.... Despite all that, I think there is no point in arguing it anymore. Now... I have to constantly remind myself of that.... The result had already announced and finalized. The only thing that I would want to do is to wish the best to Hady for his future career and hope that he would make Asian proud if he is to be representing Asia in any future World Idol (if there is any). To Jac, I believe Asian Idol is a good platform for her to promote herself to the other Asian communities and maybe the world. I really hope that the world would take notice of her talents in the near future preferably... NOW!!!.
For Once In My Life....
Hady's Asian Idol Performance...
Beautiful Day....
Jac and Hady's Asian Idol Duet Performance...
Freedom ~ IMO... The best performance of the nite....
Good luck to Jaclyn Victor, in my heart u r the Asian Idol.... And also good luck to Hady Mirza.
Posted by naadianaa at 01:43 0 comments
Labels: Random
Saturday, 22 December 2007
Hachimitsu to Clover [CM]....
This is another CM for Honey and Clover. From the CM you can see the other side of Ikuta Toma character. Totally different from his Nakatsu of Hana Kimi....
Posted by naadianaa at 21:28 0 comments
Labels: JDrama
Thursday, 20 December 2007
Bad Couple
KDrama Review....
I've just finishing watching Bad Couple. A KDrama that was recommended to me by a friend since I haven't watch any KDrama lately. Well by trusting her judgment I went on watching it. My early impression of the drama. Herm....not bad. But later after progressing a few episodes, I concluded that Bad Couple was severely underrated since it didn't get its deserving publicity.
This drama is all about a single career woman named Kim Dang Ja played by Shin Eun Gyung, suddenly having the urge to have a baby of her own but she doesn't want marriage just the baby. So she went on 'sperm hunting' since Korea doesn't allow single women to have test tube babies. Dang Ja set her eyes on only the best genes. She finally found what she wanted from a botanist cum university professor named Choi Gi Chan played by Ryu Soo Young. But unlike man nowadays, Gi Chan only believe in sex after marriage. The drama tells about the hilarious ways done by Dang Ja in getting Gi Chan to do it without the commitment .IMO, this drama didn't really appeal to a lot of people maybe due to the casts. Honestly I only recognized Ryu Soo Young. I first came to know him from 'Bright Girl' drama. He acted as Han Jun Tae, opposite Jang Hyuk and Jang Nara. Then I stumble upon him again in 18 vs 29. I love both of the dramas.
Dang Ja was played by Shin Eun Gyung, which relatively unknown to me. I didn't have any expectation from her since I've never watch her acted before and boy... was I suprised. She carries the character really well and that's one of the reason I was glued to this drama until the end. Well after googling about Shin Eun Gyung, I found out that, this drama was her comeback to the small screen after 8 years. Duh... No wonder I didn't know about her since I mostly watch Kdramas compared to KMovies.
Another actor that caught my eyes was Seo Jun Soo character played by Yoo Gun a.ka. U Gun. He was casted when Suh Ji Suk couldn't join the casts. U Gun's kinda cute to me but he still need a lot of improvement in his acting and I'm looking forward in seeing him again in the future.
This drama not only about putting big smiles on your face or hilarious acts, it also have the same amount of tear jerker in it. I think that is why it is so underrated, people don't know that it is such a multi-emotional drama. The drama is always a bit of smile, a dash of laughter and a pinch of teary-eye here and there. I believe that this is a good drama to watch. And a lot of people would love it also. Of btw you can watch it here. MySoju.
My version of the perfect genes...... Alex Wang Lee Hom!!! (>_<) (^_^) v
Posted by naadianaa at 17:51 0 comments
Labels: KDrama
Thursday, 13 December 2007
Binbo Danshi [CM] ~ Oguri Shun....
Found CM of Binbo Dashi. Main cast Oguri Shun. Judging by the CM, it seems that its going to be hilarious..... hahaha...... (^o^) .... It's totally different from his past characters that he had played before. Oguri Shun had always acted as the cool and mysterious guy and now we are going to see the goofy side of Oguri Shun in Binbo Danshi.....
Posted by naadianaa at 00:25 0 comments
Labels: JDrama, Oguri Shun
Wednesday, 12 December 2007
Hachimitsu to Clover [CM]....
Hachimitsu to Clover a.k.a Honey and Clover CM....
Posted by naadianaa at 00:09 0 comments
Labels: JDrama
Tuesday, 11 December 2007
MdaC 4th Gathering ~ Seoul Bulgogi
MdaC once again buat gathering. Last time buat gathering sbb suke jek kot. This time around? The occasion? (O_o) ?! U ask? Well the main reason... sbb SKaChild turun KL. Memangkan after bbrp kali gathering yg dh dibuat, SkaChild x dpt dtg sbb masalah xde org nk sponsor flight dia maka bile dia kate dia nk turun KL, geng2 MdaC pon dgn penuh sepakatan kate nk buat gathering just coz of SkaChild.
Meh kite citer psl gathering aritue kay. Mula2 aku smpi kat Seoul Bulgogi tue dlm lebeh kurang kul 1 tghari la. Mase tue aku perasan Ilot, Sizuka, Kak Azra, Serbabakat (gomen ne, kalo salah nickname) dan beberapa org lain lgk yg dh smpi.... (Sori for not mentioning other ppl's name. I have a bad memory....) Siap dh mule meng'BBQ' mknan pon. So smbl borak2 tggu org lain dtg, masing2 pon dok bertukar kabar berita la semenjak last gathering. After a few rounds of bakar menbakar mknn atas plat BBQ tue, ade la bbrp lgk member MdaC yg dtg plk... This time aku perasan Hikki2me dan Kak Iekan78 kot... pastu Hana-jk smpi... so masing2 pon smbg la mkn smbl dok komplain kelewatan kehadiran members MdaC yg lain terutamanya tetamu VVIP MdaC yg x smpi2 lgk... Pas mkn punye mkn... smpi almost sume mkn kat table buffet tue kene sapu dek geng2 MdaC...Hahahaha.... (^o^)...
Punye la lame tggu VViP smpi Yang Dipertua Persatuan MdaC a.k.a Kak Azra siap kate, kalo si SkaChild tue x dtg jugak maka dia akan diboikot kat MdaC...... Hehehehehe..... so kami yang anak2 buah nie pon dok senyum sengih jekla... after waiting some more minutes... baru la Farha n geng smpi....n last2 skali akhirnya SkaChild pon smpi. Mase tue Seoul Bulgogi yue pon cam dh nk close shop jek. Siap awal2 lgk kiteorg kene shove ngan bil aritue walopon ramai lgk geng2 yg lain yg still dok sibuk menyuap mknan. Last2 bile SkaChild dtg, we introduce ourselves, had a quick chat and also had some quick and candid photo session. Pastue sume bersalaman and parted they own way. TUe jek la yg aku leh citer. Xde la selingan citer mcm penglipur lara Mdac yg lain sbb aku x pandai nk mengarang and merepot mende2 cam tue. So aku tempekkan a few of the gathering pics kat bwh supaya korg leh tgk.
(^o^) v....
Posted by naadianaa at 22:03 5 comments
Sunday, 9 December 2007
Hachimitsu to Clover a.k.a Honey and Clover Pics...
Finally I found some pics of Honey and Clover casts. Even though it was scanned from some magazine but still, at least we have something to view. Credits to the person who worked the extra mile to scan and upload it.
Posted by naadianaa at 20:58 0 comments
Friday, 7 December 2007
JDrama Review
Even though this series hasn't ended. I could not restraint myself from writing about this drama anymore. I really love it very much. I enjoyed every single episodes and been looking forward for the next one. Credit goes to the original novel, written by Higashino Keigo.
The main actor, Fukuyama Masaharu played his role as Yukawa Manabu brilliantly. As for his opposite, Shibasaki Kou played as Utsumi Kaoru. A rookie policewoman who would do anything in trying to solve her cases. Of course with the help from Yukawa who happens to be a genius physicist and also an associate professor. Utsumi manage to convince Yukawa time after time to help her solve mysterious cases by intriguing his from the unexplainable mysteries that surrounds the case. He believes that every action have their own explanation and he is determined to proof it from his point of view. That is of course from a scientific way.
Each episode brings different excitement. Myself personally, because of each episode would involve a lot of scientific explanation. Whether it is from physics or biology or chemistry or maybe it's combination point of view. I believe that all of these types of science cannot be divided and will always interlinked with each other. Though the explanation for each episode can be from as simple as a physics theory or from a plain chemistry formula that we learned from high school. The drama managed to make it really interesting to watch and gain knowledge at the same time. This drama successfully grab the viewers attention week after week.
Fukuyama being a talented singer and songwriter wrote this drama's theme song, titled KISS Shite. And it is sang by none other than his opposite, Shibasaki Kou who goes by the alias name of KOH+. The funky music suits well for this drama and I really enjoy listening to it.
[PV] KISS Shite by KOH+ ~ Galileo's theme song....
There'a another reason why I like this drama. I particularly liked Fukuyama's character. Simply because of his character reminds me of my own thesis supervisor. He was exactly the same character of Yukawa. Genius, tall, handsome and eccentric at times. Hahahaha... (^o^) ... making it to be a pain in the @#$ when working with him sometimes. But his enthusiasm made me worked even harder.
Hope that you enjoy watching the drama as much as I am. As I find it to be different from other dramas that I'd watched before. Enjoy!!! (^_^) v
Posted by naadianaa at 23:14 0 comments
Labels: JDrama
Thursday, 6 December 2007
LeeHom Pics ~ I Love Floating on Music
I just love his t-shirt.... ~ 'Love Is A Mental Illness' ~

~ 'Love Is A Mental Illness' ~

I don't think there's a cure for something HOT like this.... (^_^) <3
Credits to Shutterbug of DFC and sunset 2712 for the pics....
Posted by naadianaa at 18:31 0 comments
Wednesday, 5 December 2007
LeeHom ~ I Love Floating on Music
LeeHom's Singapore Concert on 2nd Dec 2007 ~ I Love Floating on Music.... I've found some clips from the concert and credits to all who took, uploaded and shared the vid clips with the rest of us.... Thnx so much....
Kiss Goodbye ~ My absolute fav song.... (^_^)
Wo Men De Ge
Wei Yi
Ya Birthday
Posted by naadianaa at 21:46 0 comments
Labels: Lee Hom
Monday, 3 December 2007
My Boss My Hero
JDrama Review....
What can I write about My Boss My Hero (MBMH)? I've got high recommendation for this drama since last year but for some reasons unknown, I wasn't at all interested in Japanese dramas during that time. Maybe because I was too engrossed with Korean drama. But I finally started to watch JDramas this year and MBMH falls under the must watch list. Had just finish watching it.
My verdict? Herm.... Honestly I was expecting it to be more but I should fairly say that it was very entertaining. Herm.... Maybe because I was expecting too much from it. Having Nagase Tomoya playing the lead as the 27 years old and a pretty dumb coming to be Yakuza leader was a good move by the drama production. I guess comedy has been Nagase's genre. His acting in MBMH reminds me of his 2001, Mukodono. His left a fairly good impression in my mind. It was a very good family comedy. I really enjoyed it very much. As for MBMH.... u can say that it's a stress reliever. It's kinda a slapstick comedy. So it can be enjoyable for ppl who likes this kind of drama. Personally I enjoyed it very much but I didn't like his over face expressions when he portraits Sakaki Makio character. But then again, what other face expressions am I suppose to expect from a 27 yeas old-dumb-yakuza leader posing as a 17 years old guy going to a private school... eh? Still remember the scene where he wore those home made Anikinder costume, the helium gas and that funny belt. It was sooooo..... hilarious I laughed until I almost fell from my seat. Miahahahahaa.......Even though this drama is a comedy, there are few times where some seriousness kicks in. I particularly like the serious side of Nagase Tomoya when he was in jail and apologized to his teacher. His serious side really shows and at that point I really wish to watch Nagase in a serious drama roles. He seems to be able to carry such roles. But even now, his new drama is also a comedy... well romantic comedy from what I read, titled Utahime. Maybe I'll watch it later and post my comments. Neway, MBMH is a very good stress reliever. So, depress or stress out ppl go and watch it. I'm sure u'll be relief after watching it. Happy viewing!!! (^_^) v
Posted by naadianaa at 22:31 0 comments
Labels: JDrama