It's midnite now but I don't feel sleepy yet but unfortunately I can't stay up like the past 2 weeks anymore since tomorrow I have to start work again. It's going to take sometime to adjust my biological clock back to it's past daily routine. I bet I'll look like panda tomorrow. Well now better not loiter around the computer anymore cause I for sure gonna exceed my limit if I do. Good nite now. I'll update more drama reviews when I have the time. Jaa ne!!!
Monday, 22 October 2007
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
Takuya Kimura's "Pride"...
Another Jdrama review....

Herm... now, why do I totally fell in love with this show? First of all, I just love the fact that they used Queen songs in the show. It just fits perfectly. I Was Born To Love You perfectly suited to be the theme song and throughout the whole show they brilliantly inserted other Queen songs like Bohemian Rhapsody, We Will Rock You, Too Much Love Will Kill You, Let Me Live and obviously of coz We Are The Champions.

Lastly, I love the way the show was made. Beautiful cinematography. Making it so enchanting when both Halu and Aki together. Over all, it is like watching the Korean drama "Winter Sonata", great chemistry between the main characters and the show was beautifully made but minus the overly mushy love story.
Now.... I think I go and search for that whirlwind drama that first made Takuya Kimura a famous man he is now....
Posted by naadianaa at 01:16 0 comments
Labels: JDrama
Tuesday, 16 October 2007
Aidil Fitri....
First of all, let me wish Happy Aidil Fitri to all that celebrates it. My Aidil Fitri celebration kinda a lot quieter than previous years since my dad not around anymore. Usually he'd be the one to be hyperactive about the celebration preparation, without him, I do feel kinda lost. Really do miss him a lot. Well now, lets not mellow on it too much or my eyes gonna well up with tears again...
This year brings a lot of changes. Cause some of them are either already married or they didnt get ample leaves from their work. As for me, hehehe....I manage to get 2 weeks off. The spell that I casted on my boss must've worked like a charm since he approved it without even questioning anything. Well now, visiting friends' houses are less than expected this year. Just manage to visit 2-3 houses only and we havent even gotten anybody yet to be the host for this year's gathering. As things going about right now, it seems to be futile. Well then, I just have to enjoy the holiday as it is........
Posted by naadianaa at 12:15 0 comments
Monday, 8 October 2007
Hanazawa Rui vs Sano Izumi.....

Initially I watch Hana Kimi before HYD and he didn't really intrigued me that much. I was more interested in Ikuta Toma playing Nakatsu. Toma's character was more colourful and exciting than Shun, which was mysterious but not quite really hitting that 'wow' button. But that all changed when I started to watch HYD. The air that surround his character was like....SUGOI!!!....He played his character superbly and might I say, I was wishing he would get the heroine in the end.
Shun started acting from small roles such in GTO and Densha Otoko and I believe that he had learn a lot from those shows. The body language and facial expression is all good. He definately a good actor and I'm hoping that I might get to watch him acting in a more serious drama which involve more emotions. Wonder whether he could really carry such heavier roles. Well...I just have to wait and see then..... ;-p
As for my verdict between Hanazawa Rui vs Sano Izumi...definately Oguri Shun as Hanazawa Rui...totally blazing H.O.T in it. As for Sano Izumi,... Nakatsu caught my eyes.... ;-D
Posted by naadianaa at 20:26 1 comments
Labels: JDrama, Oguri Shun
Hana Kimi vs Hana Yori Dango.....

Lets start with Hana Kimi first, it tells about a school girl name Ashiya Mizuki (played by Horikita Maki) disguised herself as a school boy in order to get herself into an all boys school in Japan. This is due to the fact that Ashiya need to get close to a boy studying there, Sano Izumi (played by Oguri Shun). Ashiya needed to get close to Sano because of an incident that had happened in USA, which lead to the changes in Sano life. Making him a different person than before. Ashiya felt that she was responsible to the incident and the changes.
Therefore the story tells about how Ashiya get through the daily life in the school. How she get through sticky situation when surrounded by boys. Eventually her antics caught the heart of one of the boys, Nakatsu Shuichi (played by Ikuta Toma - Oh btw, he's damn kawaii!!). Which later made Nakatsu question about his sexual orientation.
The show is full of funny antics by Ashiya and the boys. I especially liked Nakatsu reaction towards Ashiya and the things that he had done so that he'll be noticed by her. Through and through it is a really funny show and deserves a thumb up....
HYD tells about Makino Tsukushi (played by Inoue Mao) a poor girl who is studying in Eitoku Gokusen, an elite school which is attended by Japan's super rich kids. The school was ruled by the world famous F4 or Flower 4. F4 lead by Domyoji Tsukasa (played by Matsumoto Jun of Arashi), he is the heir of the Domyoji World Finance Group; Hanazawa Rui (again played by Oguri Shun - he looked oh so much better with lighter hair), he's the quiet member of the group and also the son of a large company; Nishikado Sojiro (played by Matsuda Shota), he is a player and also the heir of a tea ceremony school; and lastly Mimasaka Akira (played by Abe Tsuyoshi), son of an underground mafia and apparently he likes to fool around with older women.
The rule of the school is, if a student gets on the F4’s bad side, the student would gets a red notice by F4 and the unfortunate student would get bullied and eventually driven out of school. This show begins when Makino received a red notice from F4 when she offended Domyoji in a bid to defend her friend. Makino who wished to pass her days in Eitoku peacefully and unnoticed, decided to fight back after being harassed at school and eventually declared war on F4 or namely, Domyoji. Her fighting spirit caught the eyes of Hanazawa Rui, which Makino had a crushed on. The real trouble begins when Makino's enemy, Domyoji seems to be romantically drawn to her.
This show also has a lot of laughs due to Makino and Domyoji weird relationship. It is equally emotional when a love triangle exist between Makino, Domyoji and Hanazawa. As it is said in the show, love is truly a bittersweet cookie. A bit of sweetness and bitterness....
Posted by naadianaa at 18:39 0 comments
Labels: JDrama
Monday, 1 October 2007
Suatu peringatan buat semua......
Kisah dibawah adalah untuk peringatan kepada diri sendiri dan juga renungan kepada rakan-rakan yang membaca.......
Ini kisah perjumpaaan dua orang sehabat yang sudah puluhan tahun berpisah. Mereka amat merindui antara satu sama lain, berbual, bersenda sambil minum kopi di sebuah cafe.Awalnya topik yang dibicarakan adalah soal2 nostalgia zaman sekolah dulu, namun pada akhirnya menyangkut kehidupan mereka sekarang ini.
"Mengapa sampai sekarang kamu belum menikah?" ujar seorang kepada temannya yang sampai sekarang masih membujang. "Sejujurnya sampai sekarang ini saya masih terus mencari wanita yang sempurna. Itulah sebabnya saya masih membujang. Dulu waktu saya di Utara, saya berjumpa dengan wanita yang cantik yang amat bijaksana. Saya fikir inilah wanita ideal untuk saya dan sesuai menjadi isteri saya. Namun belakangan selepas itu pada masa berpacaran baru aku tahu dia sebenarnya amat sombong. Hubungan kami putus sampai disitu.
Di Ipoh saya ketemu seorang perempuan yang cantik jelita ,ramah dan dermawan. Pada perjumpaan pertama aku begitu takjub dan seronok. Hatiku berdesir kencang, inilah wanita idealku. Namun selepas itu baru saya tahu, ia banyak tingkahlaku yang tak baik dan tidak bertanggung jawab.
Dan ketika aku di JB. Aku bertemu wanita yang manis, baik, periang dan pintar. Dia sangat menyenangkan bila diajak berbicara, selalu menyambung perbualan kami dan penuh humor. Tapi terakhir aku ketahui kalau dia dari keluarga yang berantakan yakni berpecahbelah dan selalu menuntut sesuatu yang kita tidak mampu memenuhinya. Akhirnya kami berpisah.
Saya terus mencari, namun selalu mendapatkan kekurangan dan kelemahan pada wanita yang saya temui.
Sampai pada suatu hari, saya bersua dengan wanita ideal yang saya dambakan selama ini. Ia begitu cantik, pintar, baik hati, dermawan dan penuh humor. Dia juga sangat perhatian dan sayang kepada orang lain. Saya fikir inilah pendamping hidup saya yang dikirim oleh Tuhan untuk saya".
"Lantas", sergah temannya yang dari tadi tekun mendengarkan "Apa yang terjadi? Mengapa kamu tidak terus meminangnya?".
Yang ditanya diam sejenak dan akhirnya dengan suara perlahan si bujang itu menjawab, "Baru sekarang aku mengetahui bahawa ia juga sedang mencari lelaki yang sempurna".
Kesimpulan : Sudah diketahui maksud daripada cerita itu ? ....
Nobody's perfect. Jadi jangan mensia-siakan apa yang sudah ada di hadapan kita ,belum tentu nanti kita mendapatkan yang lebih baik dari yang sekarang kita dapat, Kalau kita mahu mencari yang sempurna, check dulu diri kita sendiri, apakah sudah sempurna di hadapan orang lain.
Posted by naadianaa at 00:24 0 comments