Despite it's been a week after the official result of Asian Idol announced, I still felt really shocked from it. Although it's hard to swallow the fact that Hady Mirza won the 1st Asian Idol, I still believe that the true winner is Jaclyn Victor. The final result was argued over the net and still is up until now. I was told that Hady had 28% of the votes meanwhile Jac took away 27%. It was a really really close result. How did Hady Mirza won? Some had posted 10 reasons why Hady won the competition. Well, conclusion from all the 10 reasons, simply put is.... Hady's cute. Don't get me wrong. It's not that Hady's not talented but I believe that the others can sing far better than him.
IMO, being no 1 doesn't always mean that you'll be successful in the future. This had been proven by the success of few American Idol's 'losers'. Which at some point, are more successful than from the season's winner themself. I would like to name Elliot Yamin as an example. Maybe Lady Luck have something to do with it. (^_^)
Herm.... Despite all that, I think there is no point in arguing it anymore. Now... I have to constantly remind myself of that.... The result had already announced and finalized. The only thing that I would want to do is to wish the best to Hady for his future career and hope that he would make Asian proud if he is to be representing Asia in any future World Idol (if there is any). To Jac, I believe Asian Idol is a good platform for her to promote herself to the other Asian communities and maybe the world. I really hope that the world would take notice of her talents in the near future preferably... NOW!!!.
For Once In My Life....
Hady's Asian Idol Performance...
Beautiful Day....
Jac and Hady's Asian Idol Duet Performance...
Freedom ~ IMO... The best performance of the nite....
Good luck to Jaclyn Victor, in my heart u r the Asian Idol.... And also good luck to Hady Mirza.
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