Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Lee Hom is MUSIC-MAN

Who's tht?

Is it Superman?

Is it Batman?

Or is it Spiderman.?

You're all wrong. Here comes MUSIC-MAN.

Huh?! Music-who?

Well I guess with the latest craze of SUPER HEROES, Lee Hom too had got caught up with the current trends. The sudden influx of super heroes movies out there, Lee Hom come out with his new gig, a Taipei concert on the 19th and 20th Sept with the theme of super heroes. Yes, people. Here come MUSIC-MAN to the rescue to help fight piracy and people who make BAD MUSIC.
Bad music, eh? I wonder who those people might be? Herm.... (O_o)

But anyway, it does look a bit cheesy for me to see Lee Hom taking this new persona but heck, I don't care! Coz he'll be coming out with a new album in September, which some of the new songs might be feature in his September concert.

YAY!!! \(^o^)/

Too bad I don't live in Taiwan. Arghh... Lucky people. >.>

I'm so looking forward to September now.

Hmm... need to save money in case MUSIC-MAN does come to town. :-P

(^_^) v

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